The Farmer and the Devil
The Farmer and the Devil


Once upon of time, there lived a farmer. He had a simple life and worked very hard in his field, but despite this he was happy. One day the Devil saw the farmer. The Devil did not like people being happy or enjoying themselves. So he sent a little demon to make the farmer unhappy. The little demon made the field very dry and so it was much more difficult to plough and so the farmer hard to work even harder. However, even though he sweated more, he was still very happy.



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Once upon of time, there lived a farmer. He had a simple life and worked

very hard in his field, but despite this he was happy. One day the Devil

saw the farmer. The Devil did not like people being happy or enjoying

themselves. So he sent a little demon to make the farmer unhappy. The

little demon made the field very dry and so it was much more difficult to

plough and so the farmer hard to work even harder. However, even

though he sweated more, he was still very happy.

首播频道: 英语辅导频道 分类: 少儿