

Dealers is an international reality television series produced by Fever Media for the Discovery Channel. The show, hosted by Adam Shaw, premiered on 16 April 2012. The premise of the series introduces a group of five top international fine art, collectibles, and antiques dealers to the public, where individuals are invited to attempt to sell their family heirlooms, fine art, antiques, jewellery, and vintage treasures to one of the five high-stakes buyers that anchor the show each week.The professional dealers include Scott Diament, a high-profile global antiques dealer; Jenny Pat, a Canadian television personality and international expert specialising in exclusive Chinese art and antiques, having served for over four years as the Chinese painting specialist at Christie's International Auction House in Hong Kong; Richard Gauntlett, a Pimlico Road gallery owner with expertise in 20th-century art and antique cars; Nik Robinson, a pawnbroker specialising in diamonds, jewels, fine art, and antiques; and Gillian Anderson Price, the owner of Judith Michael & Daughter Vintage Treasures, which is an exclusive London-based vintage boutique, whose A-list clientele of film industry professionals, high-fashion models, and award-winning musicians includes Helena Bonham Carter, Tim Burton, Kate Moss, Jude Law, and Liam and Noel Gallagher.



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Dealers is an international reality television series produced by Fever Media for the Discovery Channel. The show, hosted by Adam Shaw, premiered on 16 April 2012. The premise of the series introduces a group of five top international fine art, collectibles, and antiques dealers to the public, where individuals are invited to attempt to sell their family heirlooms, fine art, antiques, jewellery, and vintage treasures to one of the five high-stakes buyers that anchor the show each week.

The professional dealers include Scott Diament, a high-profile global antiques dealer; Jenny Pat, a Canadian television personality and international expert specialising in exclusive Chinese art and antiques, having served for over four years as the Chinese painting specialist at Christie's International Auction House in Hong Kong; Richard Gauntlett, a Pimlico Road gallery owner with expertise in 20th-century art and antique cars; Nik Robinson, a pawnbroker specialising in diamonds, jewels, fine art, and antiques; and Gillian Anderson Price, the owner of Judith Michael & Daughter Vintage Treasures, which is an exclusive London-based vintage boutique, whose A-list clientele of film industry professionals, high-fashion models, and award-winning musicians includes Helena Bonham Carter, Tim Burton, Kate Moss, Jude Law, and Liam and Noel Gallagher.

首播频道: Discovery 分类: 纪录片